Alternative Star Wars Saga
12,942 BBY

Old Republic era

Approximate dates in other dating systems

Year 9,289[1] Before the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC)

Year 11,942[2] Before the Ruusan Reformation

Facts and statistics
Important events

Dagith Fel dies[3]

The year 12,942 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a period of time in the aftermath of the Great Hutt Wars. Dagith Fel, the disgraced former Galactic Senator of Corellia who was serving a forty year sentence for corruption, died in prison during this time.[3]

Notes and references[]

  1. The Treaty of Coruscant was signed in 3,653 BBY. Therefore, the date was derived using simple math.
  2. The Ruusan Reformations occurred in 1,000 BBY. Therefore, the date was derived using simple math.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wiki "Timeline of Corellian Senators," Brandon Rhea's Alternative Star Wars Saga wiki blog